Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tyranids - 1.5k - Tournament Success List

Warrior Prime 105pts
Adrenal Glands (10pts)
Bonesword + Lashwhips (15pts)

Hive Guard x2 100pts

Hive Guard x2 100pts

6x Ymgrl genestealers 138pts

10x Gaunts 50pts

10x Gaunts 50pts

Tervigon 195pts
Adrenal glands (10pts)
Toxin Sacs (10pts)
Catalyst (15pts)

Tervigon 195pts
Adrenal glands (10pts)
Toxin Sacs (10pts)
Catalyst (15pts)

10x Genestealers 140pts

11x Genestealers 154pts

Tyrannofex 265pts
Rupture Cannon (15pts)

total: 1492pts

How it works: Deploy the Hive Guard in front of the Tervigons to give them cover saves. Deploy the Gaunts in front of the Hive Guard to give them cover saves. The Tyrannonfex is on the flank of the Tervigons for someone who tries to deny the cover saves from the Hive Guard. Advance Each turn. Only spawn guants when you need them, not every turn as some people think you need to do. Place Ymgrls in the enemy deployment zone if possible but be wary of assaulting through cover. Genestealers can outflank, or infiltrate close but it's nice to stay within range of the Momagons so that they can get Feel No Pain as it greatly increases their survivability.

I took this list to a local tournament and got major victories on all 3 games winning me the tournament. I played against Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, and Space Wolves. This list will destroy most lists that aren't tailored to be WAAC lists.

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